Quality made in Germany Company News

In 1919, a vision was born: to be a pioneer for handcrafted quality products, developed and produced in Germany. That was the vision of Wilhelm Breuninger, the founder of WIBRE. Now, over 100 years later, this vision has long since become our mission, our passion and our identity. Every product our customers receive is a pioneer in its field and a synonym for handmade quality. Every WIBRE fixture carries a piece of Wilhelm Breuninger's inventive spirit.

Einblicke in die Produktion bei WIBRE
Einblicke in den Produktionsprozess bei WIBRE

On the test bench

Before release, our spotlights go through a multitude of different testing phases. They all have just one goal: to bring a product with the famous WIBRE qualities onto the market. In addition to the actual development and planning, tests regarding durability, robustness, absolute tightness and safety are on the agenda.

A spotlight has to endure many days and weeks in various in-house test laboratories, where external factors and the use under real conditions are simulated. We leave nothing to chance: in the last decades, we have continuously expanded our tests. Today, we simulate the most diverse weather conditions up to the extreme range, carry out extreme load tests and put all spotlights through the toughest endurance tests. Our success is not only reflected in real-life use, but also in certification by independent institutes. Every product is carefully examined on the test benches of external institutes and laboratories, and then technically and electronically certified.


100 percent quality control

Only when the product at least conforms to or even exceeds all our requirements are we satisfied and the fixture is ready for market launch. Definitely in the meaning of visionary and founder Wilhelm Breuninger. In order to maintain this high quality standard at the highest level for each individual luminaire during production, we have established a multistage quality inspection. Immediately after production and directly before the goods are shipped. Each spotlight undergoes a manual inspection with product-specific steps - optical, mechanical, technical and electronical. If the spotlight passes all the tests, it receives the famous WIBRE quality seal. We Swabians like to call it the WIBRE-Bäbberle.


The vision and passion of Wilhelm Breuninger is still in every one of our product developments today. Highest quality, continuous innovation and flawless production down to the smallest detail.

This sense of quality runs through all areas of our company. Our declared aim is to provide you with lasting satisfaction in light and to let you share in the pioneering spirit of the WIBRE company.

Seit 1919 Produktion in Deutschland
Moderne Fertigung und Entwicklung


  • Author: Benjamin Pfendt, Head of Marketing WIBRE
  • Images: Johannes Vogt



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