Place Jean JaurèsMajestically illuminated fountains in Tours

"Le Jardin de la France", the Garden of France, as the city of Tours is also called, is located on the Loire River, between Orléans and the Atlantic coast. The city, steeped in history, with its countless bridges, magnificent city palaces and ancient cathedrals, is made for urban outdoor lighting. In addition to numerous gardens, boulevards and terraces, the majestic city hall is enthroned in the heart of the city in front of the "Place Jean Jaurès", a central square and visitor magnet with two pompous fountains as landmarks. In the course of the renovation of several public squares, the fountains were redesigned, restored and re-lit with a well thought-out lighting design. The old, high-maintenance 120-watt PAR38 fixtures were replaced with long-lasting stainless steel POW LED fixtures. This saves up to 70 % of electricity requirements, reduces maintenance to a minimum and additionally increases the attractiveness of the entire square. In the outer ring of the fountain are equally - installed 18 lights directly behind the nozzles. Inside, 4 spotlights illuminate the falling water or the individual fountains. The colors are optimally carried by the flowing water, so that the complete water jet shines. The entire lighting installation is integrated into the existing DMX system to control the fountains synchronously and illuminate them as desired. The "Garden of France" is now richer by two illuminated water attractions, and Tours once again lives up to this name.


  • Long-life POW-LED spotlights 4.0199 RGB-W were used.
  • 18 ring-shaped luminaires directly behind the nozzles
  • 4 spotlights inside illuminate the fountains
  • More than 70% of the electricity demand could be saved
  • Partner: MW MarvalWay, Lyon, France
  • Photos: Caroline Gasch

The "Garden of France" once again lives up to its name



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