Our sustainability mission For a healthy and green environment

Sustainability is playing an increasingly important role in various aspects of our daily lives, including swimming pool lighting. In our vision strategy, sustainability is a significant component of our corporate activities. For us, sustainability is a guiding principle for all developments and decisions throughout the entire company process. And because our favourite elements, LIGHT and WATER, are valuable assets and decisive factors for a healthy and green environment, our Wibre Sustainable Mission was created. This mission includes sustainable and constantly optimising the processes of our entire company and our products.

REFIT - Retrofitting for sustainability

The ReFit area is an integral part of our sustainability mission. Despite very long life cycles, we guarantee an uncomplicated changeover to more sustainable products. This is quick and easy and allows a high degree of customisation.

Retrofit - change in minutes

The classic one-to-one replacement of headlights requires little effort. Remove, connect, install, change the power supply unit. That's basically all it takes to save a large amount of energy and enjoy the light for a long time.

A push towards
the new light

Our ultra-modern and efficient LED inserts illuminate any sports pool far more powerfully than halogen. Easy to install and with a closed cover for safe pool access.

Customised solutions

Thanks to the seamless intermeshing of development, production and sales as well as our own metal processing, we can realise any retrofit requirement quickly and cost-effectively.

Use existing cable

An intact old cable can be connected to our retrofit headlights without any problems. The specially developed connection box protects the inner workings 100 per cent. This eliminates the need for time-consuming installation work.

REUSE - Reprocess & reuse

Why throw away what's really good? Our products withstand the most adverse conditions and last for decades. And then we refit them, replace components and create even more environmentally friendly solutions. Made possible by our customised production and quality craftsmanship.

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We turn old into new

In many cases, an old or defective headlight does not have to be disposed of, but is completely refurbished and the LED board converted to sustainable new technology. This also applies to very old products and small quantities.

Use even after decades

After years of use, our stainless steel installation housings for new swimming pool floodlights can still be used again without having to be removed.

RECYCLE - Cycle for reuse

Recycling is the best way to dispose of old products. The main component of our floodlights, stainless steel, is completely recycled as a high-quality raw material. All other parts, production-related rejects and waste materials are also fed into the recycling loop.

Sustainable cycle

The cycle of all materials is under the umbrella of sustainability.
Every area of the company acts in favour of an intact cycle for reuse and recycling.

REDUCE - Reducing the CO2 footprint

Our quality always points upwards, in other areas we focus on minimisation. We shorten transport routes, reduce packaging and also the light that illuminates the night sky. With increasingly paperless administration, an electric fleet and self-generated electricity, we are significantly reducing our CO2 footprint.

Less light pollution

We make architecture visible and still want to make a valuable contribution against light pollution. With specifically directed light, swivelling spotlights, special beam characteristics for pools and smart controls to direct as little artificial light as possible into the atmosphere.

Optimised packaging

The shipping process and our packaging are constantly scrutinised for sustainability and are becoming increasingly climate-friendly. Through constant optimisation, we are reducing the amount of recyclable cardboard and plastic packaging to a minimum.

Short distances

We have everything in one place: development, production, warehouse, sales and purchasing. The majority of our suppliers are based in the region. This is a deliberate choice on our part to ensure short and therefore climate-friendly transport routes. This also ensures quality and permanent supply.


For over 100 years, WIBRE has stood for the highest quality and products for challenging environments. As pioneers in underwater lighting, we set standards and go far beyond the required norms. This enables us to create a service life that is unrivalled. And long use is the best sustainability.

Stainless steel - For a lifetime

The basis for a long service life is our carefully selected stainless steel. This protects the inner workings of the headlight from all external influences. V4A stainless steel 316Ti 1.4571 and 904L 1.4539.

Maximum protection in the long term

All underwater floodlights fulfil the IP68 protection standard and are permanently waterproof - that is our mission, our passion. That's why we test far above the standard and increase the test parameters.

Withstands any pressure

With IP69 certification, the majority of our floodlights are protected against high pressure and high water jet temperatures. This guarantees extreme robustness and additional protection in demanding environments.

For the toughest conditions

Our floodlights are tested to the highest impact resistance in our in-house laboratory and are often certified with IK11. A decisive advantage, especially during construction phases and to protect against vandalism.


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